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Instapurge is a mechanical cleaning agent that dislodges the residues of previous production colours and plastic material on cylinder walls, screws and dies after the system is run empty. It permits these residues to be quickly removed from the machine and is then readily cleaned from the barrel by the next production colour or resin. The system is back in production within minimum downtime.

If you don’t process exotic resins or operate large, complex equipment, you probably don’t need (and shouldn’t pay for) a “high performance” purging compound. What you need is a hard-working, “commodity-grade” purging material that is safe, effective and highly economical.

The search engine (on the right) can help indicating which type of Instapurge product is needed.

Instapurge documents
Where to buy Instapurge

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Insert the Processing Temperature, the Type of Plastic processed and the Processing Method to see which product is needed.

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